Hello, my name is Sarah and I'm the photographer behind Rustic Heart Photography and I have been in business now for over 6 years. Opening officially in October 2017, through sheer determination and passion, I have grown my business from a part time hobby to a very successful business. Am I proud of myself? absolutely!
Of course I'm not JUST a photographer, I'm also a wife to my amazing, supportive husband and most importantly a mother to my beautiful children.
My love for photography started as a very small child, my own Dad was heavily involved in photography himself and I remember vividly helping (definitely not hindering) him to develop images he had taken from his very old film camera at around the age of 4, it was always so much fun to see those images come to life before your very eyes not always knowing if it was going to be in focus or not.
This love continued through school and subsequently 6th form, however it wasn't until I became a mother that I really considered how important photography is and how I could most certainly make a career out of my passion.
So in 2016 I purchased my very first DSLR camera having only owned bridge cameras previously, and I spent a year developing my knowledge, undergoing training and doing model calls to really finesse my craft. Then in October 2017 I conjured up enough courage to register my business and just like that 'Rustic Heart Photography' was born and the rest, as they say, is history!

Five years on, I may or may not have purchased a few more cameras (whoops) and I have sent my children slightly mad having them model for me to test new lighting patterns, props and ideas. But I am pleased to say, despite a pandemic, I am still here constantly growing and capturing memories for my wonderful clients. It really has been such an amazing journey so far!
If you have made it this far then thank you!
I really hope, if I haven't already, that I get to meet you soon and capture your special memories so they can last a lifetime!